onyx stone history meaning properties important facts to know

Onyx stone as its history and important facts and properties to know is Leo’s birthday and 7th wedding anniversary. Black Onyx 10th Wedding Anniversary. Onyx is a variety of microcrystalline quartz called chalcedony.

The name “Magnificent Ship” comes from Chalcedon or Chalcedon, an ancient port on the Sea of ​​Marmara in Asia Minor. Jewelry was once quarried in the area and it was an active center for the trade of all kinds of stones.

Onyx was once widely used. For bases and handles of gold ware, and for stonework. Onyx seals were favored by the Romans, who carved a pattern of the seal in negative relief to give a high point.

Different colors, then carved separately to create a different pattern each year. They originally applied the name onyx to a variety of marble with white and yellow veins. Onyx is the Greek word for “nail” or “nail”. “”Because these veins are similar in color to the nails. The marble is still called “Onyx marble,” and is more valuable and softer than onyx, which has a hardness of 7.

The myth of the origin of the onyx says that the goddess Venus was resting on the banks of the Indus River. As she slept, Cupid gave her a manicure using one of his enchanted bows. Then the pieces of his nails fell into the waters of the holy river.

Because the nails came from heaven, they sank to the bottom of the river and became onyx. Onyx is a protective stone worn when facing opponents in all kinds of skirmish battles or when running in a dark street late at night.

In classical ceremonial magic, an image of the head of the god Mars or a figure of the hero Hercules was carved on onyx and carried for courage. Indians and Persians believed that wearing onyx would protect them from the evil eye, and placing onyx on a pregnant woman’s belly during childbirth would reduce labor pains and lead to earlier delivery.

Onyx is used not only for protection, but also as a defense against consciously directed negativities. It has also been used to reduce uncontrollable sex urges.

The close association and yet strong contrast between the layers of black and white in some onyx varieties may suggest its connection to romance. Gemologists in India recommend Onyx as a preventative measure for harmonious relationships, thus keeping away any possibility of disturbance or differences between the couple.

Onyx provides the structure and authority you desire as a birthstone. It can help you become the master of your destiny and increase your confidence. It provides support during difficult times and centers your energy in times of mental or physical stress.

It also offers the gift of wise decisions. Throughout history, onyx was believed to bring protection, defensive magic, and the power to reduce sexual desires. It was also thought to strengthen the knowledge that there is no death, which helps to understand the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. This brings the awareness that separation is an illusion and that reunification is to come.

It aids in psychic contact with the dead, facilitates mediumships and mediumship, brings messages from the dead, and aids in past life and inter-living regression work. It aids in the advancement of future life and prevents and eliminates spirit beings.

Contemporary authors say that onyx brings increased strength, stamina, endurance and self-control. It relieves anxiety, tension and nervousness, eliminates confusion and nightmares.

It is used to give an idea of ​​what is ‘beyond’ and activates the memory of its roots and reality. Medical applications include the treatment of bone marrow diseases, dental, foot, blood and bone problems, and soft tissue disorders.

It is also believed to help with diseases such as epilepsy or glaucoma and is known to have the power to repair damage to cells. Onyx is formed by the accumulation of silica in gas cavities in lava, resulting in the distinctive bands or streaks we see in the stone.

They come in various shades of red, orange, and brown and often alternate with striking white stripes. The bands in onyx are straight and are either brown or black and white, while curved bands occur in the quartz variety known as agate. Since ancient Egyptian times, onyx has been dyed to enhance or change its color.

Natural black onyx is rare, so the commercial black variety is usually agate that has been stained with a sugar-sulfuric acid treatment, dipped in sugar, and then heated in sulfuric acid to carbonize the sugar. It can be banded or solid black.

Onyx can be found in Uruguay and areas bordering Brazil, Afghanistan, India, Madagascar, Peru, and the United States. Baja California and northwestern Mexico were an important source of onyx until cheap imitations appeared on the market. The onyx stone is a type of chalcedony known for its beautiful black or brown color and banded lines. But not all onyx stones are black. In fact, they come in vibrant colors woven into stunning patterns.

Black is the most popular color of onyx, and the color of power, mystery and depth. His unassuming voice means that he goes with everything. A powerful companion for all colors and people. The onyx stone, known for its deep ebony color, shares all of these qualities.

You may recognize the name onyx from a few pop culture references.

For example, the Pokemon franchise includes two snakes named Onyx and Crystal Onix. In New York City, the famous Onyx Club is a great jazz club. During its heyday, there were appearances from greats like Billie Holiday and Dizzy Gillespie.

What about a gem? Onyx has a long and rich history filled with magic, royalty and mythology.

Today, we will explore all the beauty, science and history behind the onyx stone. Let’s get started!

What is Onyx Stone?

Onyx is a dark silicate mineral known for its spectrum of colors and various spiritual properties.

If you are a Leo, onyx is the zodiac stone for you! While Leos are known for their confidence and integrity, these qualities can sometimes be tempered by self-doubt or impulsive decision-making. Onyx can help by providing constant reassurance and wisdom to see problems with clarity.

How about a summer theme? If you were born in August, a type of onyx called sardonyx is one of your birthstones. Sardonyx is the first birthstone for this month, back in ancient times. Why not honor the past with a unique sardonyx pendant or ring?

Summer babies don’t have all the fun, though! Onyx is the modern birthstone for February, too. If the purple color of the natural birthstone, amethyst, isn’t your style, you’ll love the unique vibes of the onyx stone. Besides, you can wear it with everything!

If none of these birthdays apply to you, don’t worry! Onyx is the traditional gemstone for 7 years of marriage. If you or someone you love is celebrating, why not gift a pair of stunning onyx stones to commemorate the occasion?

Now, let’s dive a little deeper into the scientific properties of onyx.

Onyx Stone Details and Information

As we mentioned, onyx is a silica mineral that belongs to the quartz family. In this family there are two groups: macrocrystalline quartz, the natural quartz stones such as amethyst and citrine, and microcrystalline quartz. Onyx is the last group, along with other gemstones such as carnelian, jasper, and bloodstone.

Microcrystalline stones fall under the umbrella of chalcedony or chalcedony quartz, too. Onyx is specifically a diminutive of chalcedony. (Stay with us here, we’ll explain!)

When the chalcedony becomes colored bands, it is called agate. When the agate bands are flat and white, black or dark brown, this is onyx. While some experts support this, other experts such as the International Gem Society (IGS) classify agate and onyx as separate stones.

Whichever way you do it, the chemical information for agate and onyx is very similar.

Chemical carrier: silicon dioxide

Mohs scale: 6.5 to 7

Color: black (original), brown, red, white, blue green, green

Crystal structure: trigonal (subsystem of hexagonal)

Iila: wipe with silk; Vitreous (glassy) when polished

Obscure: fade into obscurity

Comparative index: 1.54-1.66

Power: 2.65-2.91

Separation: no

Yes, there is a lot of information behind onyx as a mineral. But what about precious stones?

Uncut soma stone

Onyx Stone Properties

As a gem buyer, there are four important factors that determine the true value of a gem: cut, color, clarity and carat weight.

We will classify the value of onyx based on these 4 C’s of stone quality.

Gemstones are made of cabochons or beads rather than pieces.

In fact, onyx is not like other opaque stones! While cabochons and beads are popular cuts, the luster and durability of onyx lends itself well to many cuts.

Any natural stone cut can work for onyx: round, pear, square, you name it!

The type of onyx cut most associated with it, however, is carving. In ancient and modern times, onyx stones have been carved into beautiful and intricate cameos and intaglios.

Cameos and intaglios are two types of stone carvings that often depict people, either real or fictional. Sameo carving on the back and incised carving on the back. Onyx cameos and intaglios date back to ancient Greece.

Other onyx carvings, such as small paintings or sculptures, are also popular.

With any colored stone, the most important thing is their color!

there are. These things are actually more than black nature. Most pure black onyx that you see on the market is actually painted.

You can often recognize types of soma such as sardonyx, carnelian onyx, and Niccolo onyx by their color:

Sardonyx: Light or dark brown, sometimes red or yellowish brown

Carnelian Onyx: deep red with a red-orange edge

Niccolo Onyx: Black base with thin, almost translucent crystals that appear light blue or gray

The most common form of natural onyx, including a black and white surface, is called “Arabian onyx.” Some researchers call this type “true” onyx.


Onyx stones are usually free of inclusions, providing high clarity. However, clear grades are usually given to clear stones. Since the onyx turns opaque, there is no degree of transparency.

Despite this, onyx can still be considered “clean to the eyes.” After all, the “pure eye” means that you cannot see the contents of a stone without a magnifying device.


Carat weight

You can find onyx in different types and weights. Larger diamonds are more common and have a higher carat weight.

The carat weight is usually determined by the cut of the stone, however. For onyx, round cut for shape – usually 7-9 millimeters – weight between 1-2 carats. Cabochons, on the other hand, can be found anywhere from 0.15 carats to more than 20 carats.

Onyx’s weight can help distinguish it from other stones. For example, sometimes onyx is mistaken for black obsidian, because they look similar. However, onyx is usually heavier than obsidian. Onyx can exhibit a range of colors that obsidian does not.


As you know, onyx stones come in different colors. Because of the stone’s signature color band, solid black onyx is extremely rare in nature.

Most pure black onyxes on the market today are dyed to achieve their deep and lasting color. Dye treatments can also produce other colors, such as chalcedony dye to make green onyx.

Heat treatment is also common for onyx. When heated, the onyx loses its color bands and becomes a single color. Dyeing and heat can also be combined. In fact, it is one of the oldest treatments that everyone uses.

The ancient Roman writer and philosopher Pliny the Elder wrote about a way to change or improve the color of onyx. According to Pliny, you simply boil the stone in a kind of bitter honey.

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