Stone wall design for living room

When you want to design the wall with materials like stone for any place like living room, it’s better to pay attention to the color.

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The modern style of interior decoration has been remarkable in recent years.

People are interested in upgrading their homes because the rest of the world is heading toward more modern aesthetics.

If you want to have a contemporary lobby, you should first focus on how the walls are designed.

You should look for materials such as wood to beautify the wall of modern welcome.

You should also look for marble stone, old stones and concrete to put your reception wall, and then decorate it with current designs using that material.

Antique stones are another substance we humans are very fond of, and we like to decorate reception walls with antique stones.

As you know, antique stones are natural and synthetic. Antique natural stone is made from travertine garbage and has a beautiful appearance and price above artificial stone.

The old artificial stone is made of cement, clay and many other materials, and it is lighter than natural stone.

In general, ancient stones are made in many different shapes, colors, and sizes.

If you want to use antique stones to decorate the wall of your reception area, the best place to put it on the back of the TV, around the fireplace wall, between cabinets, corridor walls, and even for a living room wall used as an accent wall.

Architectural Details of House Walls Made With Antique Stone

1- They have excellent insulation features in addition to super durability.

2- The stone is resistant to changes in temperature and is an excellent choice for “hot” settings such as firefighting due to its suitability.

3. Do not negatively affect the ecosystem of the environment.

4- The stone walls are inside a high moisture resistant building.

5- The stone used for interior decoration is lightweight, which prevents walls collapsing and changes in shape by itself.

6- They are not affected by abrasion, flame, mold or mushroom.

7- Compared to other materials and decorative wall decoration, it has a long life span.

8- There is a lot of variation among them, and you can get the best color out of many available options to design an amazing stone wall with a certain pattern and environment.

9- Maintaining the granite walls inside the building is not so difficult. Even though the cloth may be damp, the detergent can be replaced with detergent, even water.

Stone design for living room

What makes you choose the stone for your living room when you want to design it?

Parties, family gatherings, night meetings and other types of events can be held in the living room.

Therefore, it is essential to carefully examine the cost of living room decoration. This article will address some of the basic questions and answers to the lobby area plan.

The trend of having a beautiful reception area is stronger than ever. Interior decoration design as well as setting the reception areas and corridors may have a variety of potential consequences for our life.

The reception hall design may be performed in traditional or contemporary style, or the final product will be lovely regardless of which approach is taken.

When I think about this whole house, living room is the most important space for me.

  • Color Applied to Walls

It is especially important to pay attention to colored boxes in the lobby area. Selecting the color of the welcome area is quite a personal matter.

Do not leave the color harmony you have worked so hard to achieve between walls and furniture.

Before buying, it is important to pay attention to the colors that are already on the wall. Colors that are lightweight and neutral are ideal for use in areas with limited space.

Stone design for living room

This makes you imagine your living room is much larger than it actually is.

Note the amount of natural light that enters the hall. Even if many natural light comes in through the windows, you can make the walls dark.

Paint with matte finish can help create an environment in the living room which is more complex.

The origin of the stone is the first difference between two types of stone, and it is most likely the same, which is the most important.

Raw materials for processed stone tiles come from mines and mines. Several types of natural stones that occur naturally are cut from sheets and made in factories (large pieces of stone).

The forming process may involve using tools such as diamond saws and tools to cut with water. Broken or crushed stones can be placed close together to form some of these structures.

Furthermore, rocks such as river pebbles, which are most commonly used for landscaping, can use interior design without the need for additional design.

After you read this article, you now have information that you need to make a decision about what kind of stone to be used in your home.

Before making final decisions on how to use stone, it is important to always consider the cost as well as the quality of the wall stone provided by reputable and experienced organizations.

Stone design for living room

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