Red Barite; Tabular Prismatic Bladed Crystals Forms 2 Applications Paint Polymers

Red Barite; Tabular Prismatic Bladed Crystals Forms 2 Applications Paint Polymers

Red barite is a multi-functional mineral with many uses, making it a fantastic material for both interior and exterior design

Red Barite

Red barite, also known as red baryte or Cinna barite, is a mineral that is commonly found in sedimentary rocks

Red barite has been used for centuries as a pigment in paint, a substance in elastomers and polymers, and as a source of barium in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, among other uses

The history of red barite can be traced back to ancient times, where it was used by the Egyptians to make jewelry and as a pigment for cosmetics

The ancient Greeks also used red barite as a pigment for their pottery, and it was later used by the Romans as a filler for their cement

 Red Barite; Tabular Prismatic Bladed Crystals Forms 2 Applications Paint Polymers

Red Barite Features

It is a sulfate mineral that is composed of barium sulfate and has a distinctive red color that ranges from a deep reddish-brown to a bright red

Red barite is a striking mineral that is easily recognizable by its unique and distinctive crystal formations


Known as
Cinna Barite

Paint, Polymers, Glass and Ceramics

Tabular, Prismatic, Bladed Crystals

Found in
Limestone, Shale, Sandstone

One of the most notable features of red barite is its high density

The mineral typically forms in tabular, prismatic, or bladed crystals that can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters

Red barite crystals are commonly found in such as limestone, shale, and sandstone, and they often occur in association with other minerals such as calcite, fluorite, and quartz

 Red Barite; Tabular Prismatic Bladed Crystals Forms 2 Applications Paint Polymers

Buy Red Barite

If you’re considering buying red barite, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you’re getting a quality product

First, make sure the provider is legitimate and able to tell you where the red barite comes from and how high-quality it is

It’s also important to check the purity of the mineral, as impurities can affect its performance in various applications

Another important factor to consider when buying red barite is its particle size distribution

Different applications require different particle sizes, so it’s important to choose a product that meets your specific needs

Finally, take the necessary safety precautions when handling red barite and be aware of any potential health risks, such as skin irritation or dust inhalation

 Red Barite; Tabular Prismatic Bladed Crystals Forms 2 Applications Paint Polymers

Red Barite Price + Buy and Sell

The price of red barite can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including its purity, particle size, and the volume being purchased

In recent years, the price of red barite has been influenced by a number of factors, including changes in the oil and gas industry, which is a major consumer of the mineral

In addition, fluctuations in the global economy and changes in trade policies can also have an impact on the price of red barite

Generally, prices for red barite range from around $50 to $200 per ton, but prices can fluctuate based on supply and demand, as well as changes in the global market

We’d like to invite you to contact us regarding bulk purchases, which we offer at the fairest possible prices

 Red Barite; Tabular Prismatic Bladed Crystals Forms 2 Applications Paint Polymers

The Answer to Two Questions About Red Barite

1: In what forms are Red Barite available?
The mineral typically forms in tabular, prismatic, or bladed crystals that can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters

2: What are the uses of Red Barite?
Red barite has been used for centuries as a pigment in paint, a substance in elastomers and polymers, and as a source of barium in the manufacture of glass and ceramics, among other uses

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